Bladder problems in cats can be painful, chronic and life-threatening. Sometimes, the drugs given to treat this condition can make them worse. In this article, you'll learn three practical steps you can take to help your cat get better and stay that way.
First, you need to understand why drugs, antibiotics in particular, are not always the best solution for bladder problems in cats. When people think about using antibiotics to treat a condition, they assume that drugs will heal the problem, but this is not the case. Drugs do not heal anything; they only mask the symptoms, while the body heals itself. The fact that some conditions become chronic means that drugs don't always work.
Beyond this, drugs are hard on the body. Antibiotics have side effects that can worsen your cat's suffering and even prevent the body from healing itself. They also kill good bacteria that ward off infection. Worse yet, antibiotics can interact with medications your cat is taking for other conditions.
So what's the alternative? Long before drug companies existed, homeopathic remedies have been used to heal infections in humans and pets. As more and more pet owners become aware of the harsh effects of drugs, they are using holistic remedies on themselves and on their pets for things like urinary tract infections and bladder stones in cats.
The reason more people are using holistic remedies is clear. First, these remedies actually heal the conditions that caused the infection or bladder stone in the first place by giving the body the nutrients it needs to heal. Second, these remedies restore a proper pH to the bladder, so infection cannot grow. Third, they have no side effects and fourth, they will not interact with any other medications your pet might be taking. Holistic remedies are an effective, inexpensive solution for bladder problems in cats, whether your cat has an infection or bladder stone.
In addition to giving your cat a natural remedy, make sure your cat gets lots of love and attention, healthy, organic cat food (the chemicals in processed food can upset the pH of the bladder) and lots of fresh, clean water.